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Understanding Dental Bone Grafts

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Understanding Dental Bone Grafts


Considered highly innovative and very valuable to modern dentistry, bone grafting is a good way to replace bone that has dissipated for one reason or another. The jawbone in particular may require bone grafts as a way to add bone density in order to support a dental implant. Perhaps what is most concerning of all is the fact that when an individual loses teeth they may over time also lose bone density or bone mass in the jaw area. Simply stated, bone becomes reabsorbed when it is no longer needed to support teeth.


Facial Features May Tend To Sag Causing An Aged Appearance


In addition, periodontal gum disease can also result in bone loss in and around teeth in the jaw area. One big concern in this regard is that when there is a large amount of bone loss, facial features may tend to sag causing an aged appearance as mentioned. The good news is that modern bone grafting can replace missing bone ensuring a better quality of life through improved dental functionality and overall appearance. The material used to add bone grafting to a patient’s jaw can be sourced from the patient or from other sources. For example, bone can be sourced from animals, human donors or even created synthetically in the laboratory.


Bone Grafting Helps In Saving Teeth


Bone Grafting Helps In Saving Teeth


It is important to note that sourced bone material is always fully sterile and safe and highly effective at aiding in bone grafting procedures. The material itself can be in granule form, powder form, putty or even a gel. It is injected into the area where it is needed and then covered with additional material such as collagen so that the healing process can begin. Bone grafting helps in saving teeth, supports dental implants and offers a wide range of important other functions. Contact your dentist in Elk Grove, Dr. My Huynh at Laguna Park Dentistry today for more information on dental bone grafting and all that it makes possible.


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