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Canker Sores – Treatment & Prevention

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A canker sore, also known as an aphthous ulcer, is an open and painful mouth ulcer. It is also the most prevalent kind of oral ulcer. Some individuals may find them between their lips or inside their cheeks. They’re generally white or yellow, with red, inflammatory soft tissue around them.


A canker sore can be treated within one-to-three-week time, from a tingling sensation to the emergence of a painful area in the mouth. However, severe canker sores might take up to 3 weeks in proper healing. This article will throw light on the best treatment options for canker sores, along with some prevention techniques. So, let’s get started.


Best Treatment Options for Canker Sores


Though canker sores are painful and make it difficult to swallow food, they mostly heal independently. However, here are the best treatment options that will help you recover fast. These are:



  • Mouth rinsing: A mouth rinse containing steroids helps reduce the pain and inflammation of the canker sore. If you have a severe canker sore, never forget to talk to your dentist. As a home remedy, you can also rinse your mouth by using baking soda or salt water.
  • Using alum powder: The alum powder has astringent properties that assist in shrinking tissue and drying out the canker sores. Apply a tiny amount of alum powder mixed in a drop of water on the canker sore for at least a minute. Afterward, rinse the mouth thoroughly and repeat doing it until the canker sore is gone.
  • Topical products: As soon as the canker appears, it is good to use topical products by consulting your doctor. The topical products include gels, creams, liquids, pastes, etc. They help to relieve pain and speed up the healing process of a canker sore.
  • Milk of magnesia: As a home remedy, the milk of magnesia can be of great help. It contains magnesium hydroxide, which is both a laxative and an acid neutralizer. The mouth’s pH is changed by using it, and the canker sore is unable to thrive. Moreover, it helps to relieve pain and irritation caused by a canker sore.


Prevention Techniques


Canker sores sometimes happen without any specific reason. Once treated, a canker sore might bounce back. But you might get a canker sore less often if you:


  • Do not chew gum: Gum chewing irritates the gums, which in turn leads to mouth ulcers. Therefore, chew less or no gum, and it should be sugar-free.
  • Avoid unnecessary stress: Emotional stress is also one of the leading factors in developing canker sores. Take steps that reduce your daily stress—for instance, doing meditation and getting sufficient sleep.
  • Avoid certain foods: Avoid spicy foods and citrus fruits that irritate your mouth and brush your teeth with consistency.


Final Thoughts


Canker sores are not typically harmful, but they must be treated on time to avoid dangerous consequences. A nutritional supplement is also helpful to treat them, especially if a nutritional deficiency is causing a canker sore. In extreme cases, a dentist might use dental lasers to help you right away. If a canker sore is larger than usual or is causing severe pain; then, it’s time to visit your nearest dentist.




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*Neither this nor any other content in this media is meant to prescribe, recommend, or prevent any treatment or procedure. It is highly recommended that you get the advice of a qualified dentist or other medical practitioners regarding your specific dental condition.

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